
2024-Oct-18-Skillet-The Astro-LaVista-Bob

Skillet at The Astro in LaVista, Nebraska on October 18, 2024.

Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography

Skillet brought the energy to LaVista, Nebraska at the Astro Amphitheater. They were nonstop motion from the second they took they stage. Skillet is turning into one of my favorite live bands. They are determined to give you the best possible show. They have some great songs that serves as an awesome soundtrack to that stage show they put on. There is no pyro, but lots of Co2 shooting out of the stage and at times of lead singer John Cooper’s arms.  

Throw in an elaborate stage, big lights and some hydraulic risers- paired with the energy that Skillet brings, and you have one heck of a rock and roll show. The hydraulic risers make me think of an old Kiss show when they would raise the band members up over the crowd. The packed Astro was going crazy for Skillet throughout the night.

Skillet has a new album coming out soon. They only played one song off the soon to be released Revolution album. That song was titled Unpopular, which went over very well with crowd. The rest of the set list was sprinkled with hits throughout Skillets career. Some highlights for me were Rise, Hero, Psycho in My Head, and Monster.

They closed the set with The Resistance, from the 2016 release Unleashed. Skillet is a dynamic band, pretty solid all the way around with Jen Ledger on drums who also shares some lead vocals, Korey Cooper on guitar, Seth Morrison on lead guitar, and as mentioned earlier John Cooper on lead vocals and bass.

Skillet is a Christian band, and that may not appeal to everyone. And John Cooper is pretty outspoken on a variety of issues that some might have seen as controversial. I think it’s nice to have a band that has a positive message for their fans and besides that, they put on a crazy good rock and roll show. I look forward to hearing the rest of the new album.

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2024-Oct-18-Skillet-The Astro-LaVista-Bob

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.

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